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Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! To anyone that's new, i'm Petrie and I am currently studying a level  3 Diploma in Make-up. I just love how you can do anything with make-up, you can be you, you can turn yourself into a mermaid, well just anything.

To those who have been here from the start of my journey, and were wondering where I have been, well here's all the details. So let's rewind to last summer. Last summer I had applied with a college where I would be studying a Level 3 diploma in Business and administration. I thought that it would be a good idea, since I do like the business industry and that in the future I aspire to have my own beauty related business. All was fine when I applied and got in to college.

A little back, approx. Feb/March 2016 I had applied for the level 3 diploma in make-up which would be a part-time private school I would be attending from September 2016 till June 2017. So forwarding back to September 2016, where both courses had started. All was fine for the first two months, well until I was being bombarded with assignments both from my full time school, which was business, and my part time school which was make-up. I attended college 5 days a week with varying school hours, and would later be turned into a 3 day college lectures and 2 days apprenticeship, with normal work hours.

My part time make-up school varied from 2 days a week to 4 days a week of lesson, each lesson being a total of 3 hours. Now, I am quite an anxious person, and honestly I just am not able to deal with 2 diplomas at a time. Studying for each, doing the assignments for each and putting in the effort for each, without having panic attacks everyday. I admit my brain isn't able to handle that much knowledge at a time. So when it was around December 2016 I was getting really behind on my studying because of my assignments, and I was honestly paying way more attention to beauty school rather than college, and was really falling behind on my grades.

As I had thought about it for so long, after Christmas holiday in January 2017, I had finally come to the conclusion that it would be better for me to drop college, I really didn't want to because I was enjoying my classes, but I just knew inside that beauty school was way more of a priority for me rather than business school. So I got everything done, talked with my parents and some friends and had finally signed the dropping out of college papers. It was honestly really hard to sign, as I did feel like a failure, and I honestly cried a lot.

The next morning though I woke up like a weight had dropped off my shoulders. I could finally really put my 200% effort in beauty school, and well feel like I am actually working for MY future, and that I am really enjoying my studies.

I had neglected this blog because I didn't think I was going anywhere with it. I admit I did give up on this blog. But being free has helped me have a better idea of what I want. So I will be slowly trying to work on this blog, sharing with you what I've been learning, sending reviews your way, and just spreading my positive attitude with you all.

Yes blogger, I'm back, and prepare for a lot more posts!



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