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Hey beauties! Today I have a new review for you all,  This will be a really short review too. A couple of days ago I bought the new fresh foundation brush from The Body Shop. To start off, this brush costs 14 euro. I own almost all the body shop brushes which I absolutely adore! I must say though, this brush was really disappointing. 

This brush has really soft bristles which means that it does not fit it's purpose, as a stippling brush it doesn't blend the foundation. I had to use twice as much foundation as I normally use with this brush which made it look really caked on my face. It was really difficult to apply my foundation, and I also had to go over with my beauty blender to try and set the foundation onto my face, which did help. The good thing about this brush was the shape of the handle which fit comfortable in my hand.

Anyways, I do not really recommend this brush, but I encourage all those who want to test it out for themselves to buy it and see what they think of it. Below you can find where you can purchase this brush directly from their shop.

I rate this brush 3/10 unicorns


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