Insecurities > Makeup

Hey beauties!

I'd like to share with you some of the thoughts I've always been keeping at the back of my mind. It's astonishing how us humans label ourselves for what we have and what we don't have. We are constantly hearing about how we shouldn't give a single chocolate fudge about what magazines, TV shows etc. shows us, because they are all not true. Honestly though, does that really lick our wounds? No, it does not. 

Each and every day we wake up with expectations, phrases like ' when puberty hits you hard' etc. drive us mad. Every human being has something they truly hate about themselves from having small eyes to big eyes, round face or square shape, small lips to big lips, small waist to a big waist, short to tall, thick to thin. These labels are all driving us insane. We try to act as if they do not effect us, but they secretly do.

I remember, I used to use makeup not because it was fun playing with all the colours etc., but because I could 'hide' what others and myself did not like. As time passed by, my deep wounds started healing, and I started using makeup because I liked it, and not because I wanted to change how I looked. I admit though, I still sometimes wake up and put on makeup just to hide what I don't like, but I've come to accept, that life is not something from a magazine or a TV show, but real life. 

There are so many people with such low-self esteem about themselves because of the high expectations we have. Imagine a world where beauty really did not matter? Hard to imagine, I know. We are so brainwashed. So many young people are harming themselves, so many people dying, so many people falling in deep depressions. Just because of some expectations.

I wish I lived in a world where beauty did not mean a thing. As i'm writing this post, a comment I've had around 2 years ago keeps playing in my head. I was with a group, one of the guys in the group turned to these twins and told them ' you two have such lovely faces', a few seconds later, the guy turns to me and says ' and you, your face is weird'. I remember that day I had never felt so ashamed and humiliated. 

Sometimes when I apply my makeup, my mind keep replying that moment and all the other moments I've had that broken me down. But then, I remember of a chameleon, they way their change their colours. I can do that, I can alter my look with makeup, but I can't alter my look for others, I alter my look because I want to, and because I like it, I can use really dark colours or really bold colours. I can have fun altering my look just the way I like it. I Don't have to Alter my look for some people who said my face looks weird. I alter my look because that's what I like, and that's what I want.

If I want to look a certain way, then yes I shall. If it makes me happy, then yes I will. I will certainly not use makeup with the expectation I used to have though. My new expectation about myself is that, it's ok to not look like A Victoria's Secret model, because i'm 110% sure that even they have things they dislike about themselves. I'm also 110% sure that at the end of the day, each and every one of us all sit on the same toilet, all eat the same food, all will be decomposed when dead. 

What i'm trying to say here is that, no matter how bad you dislike something about yourself. STOP, and remember that we are living in real life, where people have their own shape and form, and they are beautiful in their own way no matter what or how they look like. DO NOT let anyone tell you other wise, it is the love you have for yourself at the end of the day that matters and not the self-hatred deep inside you that someone keeps bringing out. 

Love yourself, you are beautiful no matter what others say. You are beautiful because you are human, and because you have lived, and have the scars to show it. Do not harm yourself or stress yourself because you are not what the media emphasizes you to be. The definition of real beauty is YOU.



Anonymous said…
Well done brilliant for such a young age keep up the good work . You can only get better.
N said…
this is amazing .. and so are you... i love this post.. it shows the true amazing definition of beauty
Unknown said…
Thank you so much for your generous comment! XOXO

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