SFX tips

Here are some tips to help you out when creating an SFX makeup look.

1) Research: 

It is important to research the makeup look you want to create, for example if you want to create a monkey makeup look, you have to find reference photos, how their face folds around certain areas, their colours etc. Also try and find tutorials on the makeup look you want.

2) Reference:

While in the making of the makeup look, have a picture in front of you, therefore you can have a reference. It also guides you to what you're doing and going to do.

3) Test your products:
It is important to know what sort of products you are working with, and how well you know how to work with them. Test out different methods in using them, so you are prepared for the unexpected on the day of the actual makeup look.

4) Test the look:

Try doing the makeup look before hand, by doing so, you will be able to know how you need to start and finish the look. If you do not like something about how it turns out, you can always try finding solutions to the problems you were having and that way, on the day of the makeup look you are prepared and know exactly what to do.



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